
Békemenet after: közönségtalálkozó Bayer Zsolttal, Mráz Ágoston Sámuellel és Horváth Józseffel szombaton 18 órától

Is CSR A Superhero?

2012. augusztus 21. 19:11

If you had super-human powers, your destiny would be to put them to use helping others. The same goes for corporations

2012. augusztus 21. 19:11
PR Scoup

„Eventually, our PR pro haphazardly crosses paths with Hancock and sees his true potential. What if this dirty, angry superhero changed his image? Would people find respect for the once hated hero if he started giving back to the community instead of damaging it?

At this point, the parallel between our superhero and giant corporations should be pretty obvious. What I found interesting was the fact that a superhero and a corporation could even be compared. When thinking about big businesses, I never envision a superhero with enormous power, flying above the city skylines. Yet, in an abstract way, they do have something in common: the power and means to help.

I suppose the sentiment comes down to one important thought. Whether you’re a caped hero or a multi-national conglomeration, if you have the capacity to »save the world« it becomes your responsibility to do so. If you had super-human powers, your destiny would be to put them to use helping others. The same goes for corporations and their abilities.”

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