
Békemenet after: közönségtalálkozó Bayer Zsolttal, Mráz Ágoston Sámuellel és Horváth Józseffel szombaton 18 órától

„The opposition parties are with Soros, of course!”

2017. április 10. 11:30

Hungarian opposition politicians explained, why they participated at the supportive demonstration for the Central European University. Video.

2017. április 10. 11:30
Bakó Beáta

The most recent amendment of the act on tertiary education will prescribe new requirements for foreign universities operating in Hungary. Their educational activity will have to be based on a bilateral intergovernmental agreement and they will be obliged to have a campus in their country of origin. The primary adressee of the legislation is the Central European University (CEU), based in New York and founded by the Hungarian-American billionaire George Soros.

On Sunday, a huge demonstration was held in Budapest to support the CEU. A number of opposition politicians appeared at the event, however, without any party flags. We asked them, why they were there and did not they think that their presence was rather a disadvantage for the issue.

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2017. november 20. 22:18
:))) Hát, köszönöm, kedves Bea... eddig is nevettem néha ezeken a bohócokon, de ez a video ..ez döntő fölény volt.. percekig voltam élet-halál között a nevetéstől..:)
2017. április 10. 15:40
poor Soros...
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